ICC Research

There is little non-anecdotal evidence of the condition of displaced Christians across Europe and the Middle East. Many have fled severe persecution because of their faith.  As a persecuted minority group, they often go to great lengths to hide their religious identity for fear of being attacked.  Governments are reluctant to act without hard evidence. Therefore, researchers from the International Christian Consulate carry out extensive research into the condition of Christians from across the region, including Jordan, Iraq/Kurdistan, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey and Lebanon.  Reports detailing some of the findings are published on this page.

Report (Dec 2018) - Condition of Christian Refugees on Lesvos

In December 2018, ICC published a report following research into the condition of Christian refugees on the island of Lesvos, Greece.  Please click on the button below to read the report.

ICC Greece Report: Christian Refugees in Greece Urgently in Need of Safe Haven

A survey of the Christian minority within the overall refugee population in Greece has highlighted an urgent need for action. There is a serious lack of understanding of the specific threats faced by minority groups within the wider refugee population.  Christians interviewed felt afraid for their lives in the camps because of their religion.  Testimonies consistently bore witness to the specific targeting of Christians and the threat to their physical safety as a result.  Such testimonies included targeted attacks involving beatings with wood, cables, pipes; threats at knife-point; gang rape; daily death threats and intimidation, including threats of beheading; as well as destruction of property and slashing of tents.   Especially in the hot summer weather, conditions in overcrowded camps deteriorate, along with the mental health of the Christian minority who are forced to live covertly among radicalised Muslims, some of whom openly claim to be Daesh, Taliban, Al-Nusra and other extremist groups. 

Christian refugees interviewed in Attica, Greece

There is a very real and pressing need to separate people groups within refugee accommodation.  Western governments and those involved in providing aid to this humanitarian crisis must consider and address the needs of minority groups.  If they do not, they are neglecting their duty to protect the human rights of all people.

Click below to read the full 2016 report:

December 2016 Update - Supplementary report

Between April and December 2016, ICC has been collecting data on the condition of Christian refugees in Athens, Greece.  A second report, intended to be an update to the initial report above, can be viewed by clicking on the button below: