Take Action

...the people who know their God shall display strength and take action
Daniel 11:32

Do not believe that there is nothing you can do to help. There are a number of ways that you can support the work of the ICC.


The need is great and the vision is huge - it would not be possible to provide help to persecuted Middle Eastern Christians without the regular financial support of people like you. If you feel able to help in this way, see our Donate page for more information on how to make a donation.  

If you are a church or other group leader, please consider partnering with us to sponsor a Christian family who is in need of help.  If you commit to just £400 a month, we can house two whole families in safe accommodation, away from the dangers of the camps... and you can have regular contact/updates with the family you support.  Click here for more information.


If you're not able to make a donation, perhaps you could help us to raise money through one of our fundraising projects. There are fundraising packs available for download on our fundraising page.


We need your prayers. This is an extremely important way in which you can support us. See our Prayer page for more information about how you can pray for us, and to sign up to commit to being part of our prayer cover team.

Offer Your Time, Skills and Contacts

We all have different skills and abilities, experience and professional qualifications. Every organisation needs a team of people with a wide range of skills between them. If you think you might be able to offer some of your time, skills or expertise, please, please get in touch with us. We desperately need help in several areas including fundraising, administration, accounting, law, diplomacy, politics...

We also need as many useful contacts who might be able to help us in our work in the Middle East as possible. If you have significant contacts who you are able to introduce to us, please get in touch.

Spread the Word

We need your help to spread the word about the International Christian Consulate. The more people that hear about us, the more we can do, because the more people are able to have the opportunity to get involved!

Please like our Facebook page and share it with your friends, tell people about us, arrange for us to come and speak at your church or your gathering.